Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mary Hendrickson

Im the daughter-in-law who won the prize of joining this family
after Doug told Mike,
Ya, do it. But that was not before he
served me
Squirrel Stew. Doug was a teacher to us all. But
he was also a student. He learned that a city girl ra
ised by
Miss Manners could
sleep in the back of a pick-up truck until
ousted by the
Fuzz. He learned that she could eat the worm
at the bott
om of the tequila bottle, only after having had a lot
of tequila
. He learned that she could be comfortable floating
on the Black River
as long as her children werent in jeopardy.
He learned that
a grammar junkie tells a dog to lie down, not
lay down. And he learned that well do anything for our children
to help them learn
, be better people, and give them experiences
out of the ordinary
.even our children by marriage.
How lucky I am to have won that prize.