Stopping at Peola Valley on the way from Des Moines to Little Rock during summers as a kid were magical experiences with so much to explore and cool people. We slept at Dougandbonnie's (one word in my mind, as a child). Shana and I slept on a mattress on the lower level and Doug and Bonnie were up in the loft. Doug warned us that he snored like a bear and that we were to yell "Doug, roll over!" if he started. Sure enough, a thunderous noise started up in the middle of the night. We two little girls were initially unsure, but eventually summoned up the courage to yell up at him-- and sure enough, he rolled over and
stopped snoring. Doug and Bonnie's concern for me
getting a good night's sleep endured-- when Paolo and
I went to visit a couple years ago they had built new
annex to the house, where they now slept. Despite
our protests, they insisted on giving up their huge new
bed to us and went to camp out in the old loft.
Many have given accounts of Doug as a teacher.
During a childhood visit I expressed interest in
helping him out in his shop. After giving me some
very firm safety instructions, we set to work making
a snake. No doubt he actually did most of it, but I
really felt proud about the piece of blacksmithing
that we had made together. That snake remains
one of my most treasured objects.
Bonnie, the two of you made a great team. No words
can replace a loved one, but know that many people's
lives-- mine included-- were touched by a person
whose love for life and for people was really incredible.