It was standing room only at the funeral home for
the "Gathering of Friends". I expect well over 250
people. Family, friends, blacksmiths, whitewater
friends, and locals. I made it through my talk
without crying, which is something I really wanted
to do for Doug. I talked about our 38 years together
and the people that had changed our history by their
actions during those 38 years. When Doug taught
drawing at Drake he loved to use the phrase,
"Fuzzy Lines Suck". By this he meant that the
student should be committed when placing a line
in a drawing. What I saw in the audience was a
group of people that were not Fuzzy Friends, they
were all committed to Doug as friends and he to them.
Following lunch, we all retreated to Peola Valley for
more food and beer, Doug wanted to buy all his friends
one last drink. We raise a glass to you, ol' friend.