Some of the fondest memories and milestones of my
life revolve around a brief few years of time in Des
Moines in the 70s. Great times as a student with
Doug and Bonnie and the crew at the Drake Art
department where I met and married my wife,
Sandy. Doug used to carry a slip of paper in his
wallet that purportedly was from Bonnie, it said
Doug was not allow to give any other women rides
on his motorcycle, thus avoiding hurting the feelings
of many an inquiring female student. In a twist on
that idea, many years latter I persuaded my wife
(in a weakened moment) to write me a note for my
wallet that gave me permission to pick up "art"
materials form roadside trash piles, this I would
take out to quell her objections when a choice item
presented itself. It was just a small homage to a
man who's influence on my life in the few years
I had the privilege to be around him, was profound.
His humorous spirit, creative energy and generosity
was unlike any person that had ever met up until
then nor since. I was truly blessed to have known
him. Sandy and I both regard Doug and Bonnie's
friendship during our time in Des Moines as an
inspiration for our relationship as a couple and in
creative pursuits. Working hard and playing harder
with a sustaining sense of integrity and kindness
are the attributes that he has inspired me to try
to emulate. Thank you Doug.