We are incredibly saddened to hear of Doug's passing . The last time we saw him (and Lee ) was in the late seventies when Nancy and I attended a " Prarie Home Companion" gig in Minneapolis. There was some pesky knocking on the back of our seats, when we turned around to confront the pests, lo and behold it was " The Odd Couple" I knew from Drake University ! So there it was, an impromptu reunion of sorts.
Previously I had known Doug from my first days of teaching at Drake 69-'70 , probably from that first faculty party that Lee has referred to.
I'll always remember Doug's twinkling smile that made his eyes giggle. In those years following the Nam protests and the social situations of the times , coupled with the anxieties inherent in a new teaching career, Doug's humor and his true interest in others helped to "steady" the landscape for myself and others.
Our hearts go out to his family and friends today.