t was with a sad heart that I read Lee's email that Doug had
passed on Saturday May 5th. I am thinking he went to go
share his love and laughter and party with Heaven.
I have been a guest at Black River Lodge since I was born.
I do not remember our first trip to the pottery and forge, but
I do know, every year during vacation and at other random
times when we would visit the piece of heaven that is Black
River, that we would always visit Peola Valley.
Some of my best memories of Doug are visiting at the Peola
Valley with other BRLers and Bonnie and Lee and Pam and
sharing stories and laughter. When I was younger, we would
see Doug floating down the river in his kayak. It seemed every
day he could find the time from his work and projects to kayak
for just a bit. If we could all manage to find that balance in our
lives, we might be half as lucky as Doug. Watching him work
in the forge and the magical art he could create was priceless.
My son was lucky enough to help Doug while we visited one
year and how patient this awesome man could be with such
a little boy who was only 6 or so at the time. The past few
years at the river we would all rejoice when Bonnie and Doug
would come to the river to sit with us. We knew these were
special times, where Doug could visit with friends and Bonnie
could sit and relax a bit.
I was terribly saddened when I heard Doug had passed away.
I was sad for myself and my family because we will miss
those visits so much. I was more sad for Bonnie and Lee
and Pam who have lost their best friend. It takes awhile for
us all to understand, but I know Doug is the one in the best place!
Our prayers and thoughts and warm love from St. Louis are
with you during these very difficult times. We will be with
you in spirit at Doug's gathering of friends.